
When to take family photos

Time of day is the most important for a photo session. The first hour of light after the sun rises and the last hour of light before the sun sets gives us the most beautiful, soft, warm light. It’s actually called the golden hour by photographers, for good reason. The sunshine can cause harsh shadows, […]


Spring family photos: What to wear

We have made out of winter and it’s time to show off some colour for your spring family photos! What do I wear is always the first question I receive from clients so I wanted to give you some ideas. Here are my top five tips for you this season. First, go for pastels and […]


Book your graduation session

Spring is just around the corner and if you have graduating pre-schoolers or daycare members this is the perfect session for you. It’s a great way to say goodbye and thank you to your leavers and preschool graduates and market your preschool or nursery at the same time. I have great solutions for providing group and […]


Christmas with Presley

I consider myself lucky to be able to photograph friends and family. Kristy and I go way back, I used to babysit her and now she has her own little one and it’s so amazing to see her as a wonderful mamma. Little Presley is ready for Christmas and their holiday cards are going to […]





©amy williams Photography 2004-2025

Amy is a school and family photographer
based in British Columbia, Canada.

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